Research Week kicks off Oct. 17

The sixth annual research week, hosted by the Office of Research, will take place Oct. 17-21. The event is dedicated to celebrating achievements, building partnerships, and pursuing new opportunities for research at WSU. 

In addition to the annual research grant competitions, several new panels were added to this year’s schedule of events, including the “Research on Intersectional Inequities” panel at noon on Oct. 18, via Zoom, which will examine how identities are associated with inequities in a variety of settings. This panel is inspired by the book “Invisible Women,“ written by Caroline Criado Perez, which examines the ways that women have been systematically excluded from jobs in research and other fields. 

The Innovative Research in the Arts and Humanities panel, held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18, via Zoom, will showcase how faculty research in the arts and humanities allows for an understanding of places, uncovers forgotten composers, and develops new methods for describing museum and library collections.

Stephen Koziol, acting regional director for the Western Regional Office with USPTO, will present two sessions. The first session titled “Intellectual Property Strategy is a Business Strategy,” will take place at 3 p.m., on Tuesday, Oct. 18, in Lighty 405. The second session, “Avoid Common Mistakes Before Applying for a Patent,” will take place at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 19, in Lighty 405.

USPTO is also offering the WSU research community 30-minute one-on-one meetings with a USPTO patent prosecution specialist to discuss the patent process. 

“We are excited to be able to bring Stephen Koziol to the WSU Pullman campus as part of Research Week,” said Sita Pappu, assistant vice president in the Office of Commercialization. “Stephen has served the USPTO for nearly 15 years and has led or contributed to numerous projects impacting patent operations. Through his focus and engagement with the region, Stephen ensures the USPTO’s initiatives and programs are tailored to the region’s unique ecosystem of industries and stakeholders. His wealth of knowledge of the IP process will be valuable to researchers and startup founders interested in protecting their inventions.”

Also new this year, the Entrepreneurial Faculty Ambassadors (EFA) will host a networking reception at 5 p.m., on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. The reception is open to all on the Pullman campus. EFA was established to recognize and support outstanding accomplishments and initiatives in innovation and entrepreneurship at WSU. The group is working to foster and grow a community of scholars at WSU that collectively serve to grow and sustain a culture that embraces engaged scholarship and celebrates academic creativity. 

“We’ve put together a variety of panel sessions, featured keynote speakers, flash talks, and competitions to this year’s Research Week designed to highlight and celebrate the richness of research and scholarship at WSU. We’ve looked to expand the diversity of sessions offered with a menu of activities for everyone, no matter where they may be in the research process,” said Samuel Rodriguez, interim director of the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships.

Check out the full schedule of events and RSVP via the Research Week website.

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