Stacy Pearson retiring at end of 2022

Closeup of Stacy Pearson.

Stacy Pearson, who joined WSU in 2017 to serve as its vice president for finance and administration and chief financial officer, will be retiring at the end of the calendar year.

“Stacy’s impact on the WSU system these past five years cannot be overstated,” WSU President Kirk Schulz said. “From dramatically improving our fiscal health to launching Workday on time and on budget, her steady hand and outstanding leadership will be sorely missed.

Schulz continued,” In fact, Stacy’s efforts will continue to benefit WSU in the months and years to come thanks to her and her team’s work on a new budget model ready for soft launch later this summer as well as assisting Cougar Athletics with the development of its own balanced budget.”

During Pearson’s tenure, WSU turned a $30 million annual operating deficit into a nearly $30 million surplus at the end of the 2020 fiscal year. Pearson and her team also took steps to ensure the university’s continued fiscal health by refunding a portion of its existing bond debt to mitigate operational and financial impacts stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. She also oversaw the launch of WSU’s Compliance and Risk Management office.  

WSU will initiate a nationwide search for Pearson’s replacement later this summer.

Pearson will continue to serve in her role in a full-time capacity through Sept. 15, transitioning to part-time through Jan. 6, 2023.

Prior to arriving at WSU in March of 2017, Pearson was the chief financial officer at Boise State University, where she also served as its associate vice president for finance and administration for eight years. She holds a master’s degree in public administration from Boise State and a bachelor of science in accounting from the University of Idaho.

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