Kanopy film service to transition to request-based format

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In response to budget concerns, WSU Libraries will transition from the Kanopy on-demand streaming film service to a request-based format. While the pay-per-view Kanopy program has been well used, it has become increasingly difficult to financially sustain.

“The current budget uncertainties keep us from offering unlimited access to Kanopy at this time,” said Beth Blakesley, WSU Libraries associate dean. “However, we are looking at the easiest ways to streamline the process while better controlling our costs to make sure that classes and researchers have access to the films they need.”

Faculty can request a Kanopy film by filling out a purchase request form for any title they plan to use in class or for educational purposes. The WSU Libraries will then work to make sure the film is licensed in time for the assignment and/or that a currently licensed title is not about to expire.

Kanopy films are licensed for one year. If faculty members will use a film beyond this time period, they must make a new media request for the title prior to the semester they plan to use the film to ensure that it is licensed again. Please give libraries’ staff ample lead time to fulfill requests for streaming media.

For more information about the change and Kanopy resources, visit the libraries’ streaming video guide.

Note: This change does not apply to the Vancouver Kanopy program.

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