Today: Meet provost finalist Bob McMaster

Closeup of Robert McMaster
Robert McMaster

Faculty, staff, and students system-wide are invited to meet and help evaluate Robert McMaster, the second of four finalists for the position of provost and executive vice president.

McMaster currently is vice provost and dean of undergraduate education and a professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He will give a presentation and answer questions during an online session open to the WSU community from 1–2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14. A university network ID and password are required to attend.

As vice provost and dean, McMaster is responsible for the coordination of undergraduate education at the central level at Minnesota, including all‑university admissions, financial aid, classroom  management, one‑stop resources for student assistance, curricular initiatives (liberal education requirements, campus‑wide writing, the University Honors Program, undergraduate research, and the student learning outcomes), ROTC programs, the Access to Success Program, first‑year  programs, and undergraduate interdisciplinary initiatives.

McMaster earned a Ph.D. in geography and meteorology from the University of Kansas in 1983. He has held previous appointments at UCLA (1983–1988) and Syracuse University (1988–1989). In 2013 he was named a fellow of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science.

McMaster will participate in interviews with search committee members, faculty, administrators, staff, and students during two days of Zoom-based meetings April 14 and 15.

Public presentation and Q&A:

Bob McMaster
1–2 p.m., Tuesday, April 14

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