WSU Regents to Consider Computer Degree Programs, New Fieldhouse

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Board of Regents will be asked to
approve the addition of two computer science degree programs at WSU branch campuses. The
regents meet in Pullman at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 2, at the Lewis Alumni Centre.
WSU plans to extend its Bachelor of Science degree in computer science to the Vancouver
campus. The degree is already available at Pullman and Tri-Cities.
The regents will also be asked to approve a new Bachelor of Arts degree in computer
science at the Pullman, Tri-Cities and Vancouver campuses.
The degree program is designed to compliment the software engineering-oriented Bachelor
of Science degree. The new program will enable computer science and software design
applications in a variety of disciplines including pure sciences, business and the liberal arts.
In other business, the regents will discuss a proposal for a new indoor athletic practice
facility on the Pullman campus. The facility would be located adjacent to and south of Bailey
Field. If approved, the new 86,000 square foot indoor practice facility would be funded through
donor cash and pledges. As proposed, the building would cost approximately $13.8 million.

Note to reporters: Reporters may pick up copies of the agenda at the door. Advance copies of
the agenda are available from the WSU Office of News and Information

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