Strategic plan timeline takes shape

Entrance to Washington State University's Pullman campus.
Washington State University

By Todd Mordhorst, Office of the Provost

Washington State University has launched a new strategic planning process driven by the vision of securing WSU’s place as one of the nation’s top 25 public research universities by 2030.

While the current strategic plan runs through 2019, WSU’s accrediting body, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, granted WSU an extension on its current plan to Fall 2020. “We would like to use this additional time to ensure that our planning incorporates sufficient opportunities for feedback from the many stakeholders that comprise the Washington State University community,” said President Kirk Schulz.

Leading the effort is Erica Austin, vice provost for academic affairs, who will be supported by the Institutional Effectiveness Council. In the coming months, the entire WSU community will be invited to take part in important planning conversations, which will include online surveys, listening sessions, and other opportunities for input. Feedback will be used to develop a draft strategic plan that is focused on ambitious, yet realistic, goals that will shape the path that WSU will take into the future.

The final plan will integrate five‑year aspirations with the longer‑term Drive to 25 goals and the work of the University Fiscal Health Advisory Committee, as well as other planning efforts taking place throughout the University. It will be presented to the Board of Regents in late spring of 2020.

Members of the WSU community will see announcements about specific input opportunities coming in the near future as the first step for providing feedback. Additional opportunities for input will be announced throughout the planning process.

For details on the Drive to 25 and the current strategic plan, including the latest Strategic Plan Progress Report and developing strategic planning efforts, visit the Drive to 25 and Strategic Plan websites.

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