Student Regent Derick En’wezoh Wins Top Elected Student Government Position

PULLMAN, Wash.—Derick En’Wezoh (en-WEE’- zoh) of Kennewick, along with running mate Jay Hendrickson of Richland, have been elected to serve as the 2009-10 Associated Students of Washington State University president and vice president respectively.

The Tri-Cities pair collected 2,129 votes, 48 percent of the vote, to win the two-day election among undergraduate students at WSU.

En’Wezoh, who is currently serving as the university’s student regent, will move to the top elected post immediately after commencement on May 9. He will serve for one year.

Candidates Jake Bredstrand/Molly Aigner, received 1,450 votes (33 percent) and Ryan Mulenga/Sarah Driscoll received 862 votes (19 percent).

In other ballot items, the undergraduates and graduate student bodies passed a measure to impose an increase in the existing student transit fee to support existing services.
This year’s vote totals were on par with previous years, with the exception of 2005, which saw 4,700 students vote on referenda for a Martin Stadium renovation fee and the Compton Union Building renewal fee.

While election totals are official, election results will not become official until all potential campaign violation allegations have been considered by the Election Board and/or ASWSU’s Student Judicial Board. There is no definite timeline for when allegations must be filed.

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