Roots run deep in community

Large, rolled-up sheets containing project plans and piles of papers and journals cover his desk. A constant frenzy of people come in and out asking for advice. The phone is ringing while he responds to an e-mail. This is everyday, organized chaos, and Keith Bloom, assistant director for Capital Planning and Development (CPD), loves it.

After leaving a career that promised rewarding payoffs, Bloom came to WSU as a construction management consultant for the university, but ultimately hired on as a lower-level construction clerk.

“My father told me it was the worst career move I could have made,” he said.

Despite the warnings, Bloom and his family moved to the area in 1991 and, since then, have developed deep roots in the community. Bloom quickly moved up through the job line.

Since his arrival, Bloom has saved the university millions of dollars.

“He has been called in to troubled WSU construction projects, only to work through the challenges and provide a positive outcome — not only for the university but for all of the players involved,” said Jim Boudreau, project officer for CPD.

In addition to his work for WSU, Bloom is an active member of the Pullman City Council. “I don’t want to be a whiner — I firmly believe in ‘if not you, then who?’ so I decided to run.”

“I have always found Keith to be one who wants to resolve issues and get the job completed,” said Glenn Johnson, professor of communications and mayor of Pullman.

From construction to politics to coffee? Yes, in addition to his many activities, Bloom and his wife, Jan, are the proud owners of Café Moro in downtown Pullman. “You have to put your money where your mouth is,” he said. “So Jan and I invested in Pullman — but she does all the work!”

And his dad … what does he think of Bloom’s career choice now? Bloom chuckles: “The old man now says it was a good move.”

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