Students Elect ASWSU Government and Pass Stadium Fees

PULLMAN, Wash. –  Washington State University students elected Wednesday (March 8) Zach Wurtz and Janeen Heath as president and vice president for the Associated Students of Washington State University.

Wurtz and Heath, who run with the motto: “Leaving the university better than we found it. Giving back… Moving forward,” received 38.2 per cent of the votes, a total of 2,135 votes.

Wurtz, who is a senior in communication with a minor in sociology and women’s studies, has served as the ASWSU District 10 senator, an Alive! counselor and as Butch the mascot. He is from Hanover, Pa.

Heath, a senior in communication and political science with a minor in French, is a Regent Scholar and also served as an Alive! counselor. She is from Kirkland, Wash.

WSU students also voted to help pay for the renovation of Martin Stadium. The $25 per semester fee was approved by student vote and will go into effect starting fall semester 2006. The final tally was 3,937 votes (64.4 per cent) to support the fee and 2,153 votes (35.4 per cent) against it.

“We are very pleased with the outcome of the election and I would like to thank all of the students who voted, regardless if it was for or against the referendum,” said Jim Sterk, WSU athletic director. “It was very important to WSU Athletics that all students had the opportunity to give their voice on this matter. The result means that not only will our students’ game-day experience be enhanced but it will shine a positive light on the entire university, as all of campus will benefit from the passage of the referendum.”

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