Faculty Senate

Non-tenure track survey results expected soon

PULLMAN, Wash. – About one-third of non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) at Washington State University responded to a survey about working conditions that was initiated by a faculty senate task force last fall. Findings and recommendations are expected to be reported to the provosts, senate and NTTFs as early as next week and then shared with […]

WSU Board of Regents to meet at WSU Vancouver Oct. 3, 4

VANCOUVER, Wash. – The Board of Regents of Washington State University will hold a regularly scheduled meeting Oct. 3 and 4 on the campus of WSU Vancouver to consider a number of action items related to faculty policies and capital construction.

Faculty Status Committee looks to fill 3 positions

The Faculty Status Committee is soliciting nominations of tenured faculty for three committee member positions. The deadline for nominations is March 9.   The three-year member terms begin August 2011. For information on the responsibilities of the Faculty Status Committee click here. Also see the WSU Faculty Manual here.   Nominations should be sent to […]

Faculty Senate: Budget motion rejected, A2P2 changes approved

A motion to enhance faculty input to pending budget decisions failed in the Faculty Senate Thursday. Opponents said it was too late in the process and there had been opportunity for – and acceptance of – faculty input from the beginning of the process. The Faculty Senate also approved a variety of program and degree […]