Dean Mike Trevisan announces his return to the College of Education faculty

Closeup of Mike Trevisan in front of a bookcase.
Mike Trevisan

College of Education Dean Mike Trevisan, whose leadership since 2013 has substantially elevated the national profile of the college, will return to his faculty position as professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Educational Psychology at the end of the 2023–24 academic year.

“Dr. Trevisan has served admirably for more than 10 years as the Dean of the College of Education,” said Elizabeth Chilton, provost and executive vice president. “Dean Trevisan’s leadership has greatly enhanced the college, and his tenure as dean will be remembered for leading efforts to significantly increase the college’s research productivity, careful stewardship of the college’s budget, his commitment to diversifying the college’s faculty, and creating a strong faculty development and recognition program. Mike’s thoughtful and collaborative leadership will be missed throughout the WSU system.”

The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President will engage in a national search for Trevisan’s replacement and is in the final stages of recruiting an executive search firm. A search advisory committee will be announced prior to the summer.

Trevisan, who holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, will resume his scholarship and focus on using program evaluation to improve schools and communities. He will continue to have an international presence and provide workshops and seminars on various evaluation topics to graduate students and faculty. He has previously visited Canada, Greece, India, Italy, Korea, and Thailand, for example, to conduct such workshops.

Trevisan is a founding member of the International Society of Policy Research and Evaluation in School-based Counseling (ISPRESC), an international coalition of faculty, deans, policymakers, and practitioners, promoting school-based counseling as a policy mechanism to support K–12 students and teachers in countries around the world. In 2020, Trevisan was elected as chair-elect of ISPRESC and is currently serving a three-year term in this role, after which he will serve as chair.

Information regarding a celebration for Trevisan’s contributions to the college and the university system will be released to the university community during the 2024 spring semester. The Provost’s Office looks forward to thanking him for his significant contributions and leadership to WSU as the College of Education’s dean.

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