
Cyber security tips: Working remotely

As some university employees continue to work remote or hybrid schedules, please keep the following ITS Remote Work Guidelines in mind when working remotely: Personally owned devices used for university business should not be shared with others. Operating systems and applications must be up to date. All security patches must be up to date and […]

Cyber security tips: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records, such as the right to review their records, right to request an amendment to their records, etc. Student education records include any information that can be connected to an identifiable student except for directory information. See WSU […]

Cyber security tips: Encryption is key

Encryption is the process of converting information or data into code to prevent unauthorized access. Encryption works through algorithms to convert data into cipher-text and then uses a key to lock and unlock the data. University Executive Policy #8 states that institutional information that is categorized as confidential or regulated, and is stored, processed, shared, […]

Cyber security tips: Mobile devices and screen locks

Statistics show that you are more likely to lose your mobile device than have it infected by a cyber attacker. For this reason, you should always enable a screen lock on all mobile devices. Screen lock protection ensures that only you can access the data on your mobile device. Common screen locks include: Strong passcode […]

Cyber security tips: Mobile devices and app security

Whether you are using a WSU-provided mobile device or your personal device for work-related activity, mobile apps provide many useful functions that can help you get your work done. To protect yourself and your devices, only download apps from reliable sources. For WSU-provided devices, only operating systems and software applications approved by university business units […]

Cyber security tips: Caution with cloud services

Cloud computing is the use of an outside service provider to store, manage, or process university data. Examples of cloud services include Workday, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Docs, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud, etc. Although cloud services can help the university stay connected and allow employees to easily access data, there are additional risks with […]

Cyber security tips: Browse safely

Almost all employees do some business for WSU through the internet via browsers. Internet browsers tend to be a target for cyber attackers. Keep vigilant against cyber attacks by always using the latest browser version. Updated browsers have the latest security patches and are much harder to hack into. Not sure if yours is the […]

Calling on WSU employees to defend against fraud attempts

In today’s virtual environment, we are faced with the challenge of protecting ourselves and WSU from the daily onslaught of cyber attackers. While ensuring your software is updated and using anti-virus are just some of the many proactive steps you should take on a regular basis, cyber attackers have learned that the easiest way to […]