WSU in the Media – March 19, 2015

YAHOO! Finance – “This study reveals that when people watch local news broadcasts prior to an election, they are being exposed to far more political advertising during the commercial breaks than political journalism during the news programs themselves,” Travis N. Ridout, a professor of government and public policy at Washington State University, said in a press release. “And little of the news about political campaigns is focused on policy issues.  These findings should make us rethink the role of local news in today’s campaigns.”

The Village Voice – Chefs like Ferran Adrià, Michel Bras, and David Bouley were there; however, Vetri’s attention was captivated by a university professor, Dr. Stephen Jones, a wheat breeder from Washington State University. Jones discussed the breadth of wheat varieties in existence, most of which can’t be sold on the commodity market, due to the constraints industrial food system (mostly shelf life and consistency).

The Daily Mail – Scientists have long known that omega-3s reduce inflammation and have anti-diabetic effects, and some recently discovered how this happens. ‘But we’re the first to show that they work this way in cancer,’ said Kathryn Meier, a professor of pharmacy at Washington State University. ‘The attention has mostly been on inflammation and diabetes but there has always been an interest in cancer, and we were the first to show this mechanism in any cancer cell at all. And we’re using prostate cancer, which is the most controversial subject in omega-3s.’