Guest Speakers for APAC Monthly Meetings

On behalf of APAC, we invite you to our monthly meetings where you will hear up-to-date reports on issues affecting WSU Administrative Professional (AP) employees statewide, as well as have the opportunity to voice ideas or concerns of your own. Our meetings occur on the second Thursday of each month from 1:10-2:40pm and along with conducting regular APAC business we have an inspirational and informative line-up of guest speakers.

A preview of guest speakers is as follows:

November 10: Legislative update, Colleen Kerr
December 8: President Floyd & Provost Bayly
January 12: Intercollegiate Athletics, Bill Moos
February 9: Biofuel Research, Dr. Birgette Ahring
March 8: Parent’s media literacy & family nutrition, Dr. Erica Austin
April: 12: Social Media, Barbara Chamberlin
May 10: Master Campus Plan, Bobbie Ryder

Please visit our website at for more information and to view a listing of meeting dates, locations and speakers.