WSU selects Stephanie Hampton to lead CEREO

stephanie-hampton-80PULLMAN, Wash. – Stephanie Hampton has been named the new director of the Washington State University Center for Environmental Research, Education & Outreach (CEREO). The deputy director of the National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS) at the University of California-Santa Barbara, she is expected to assume her new duties in January.

An aquatic ecologist, Hampton’s interests have ranged from basic aquatic science using statistical analysis of large data sets to broader applications of empirical evidence in environmental issues and policy.

“Dr. Hampton brings both her broad research experience as a freshwater scientist and her demonstrated ability to work with researchers representing a wide range of disciplines to her new post as CEREO director,” said Nancy Magnuson, WSU’s interim vice president for research. “She is particularly well-suited to leading the sort of integrated, interdisciplinary approaches that continue to mark CEREO’s pursuit of environmental initiatives.”

CEREO is a robust network of more than 200 researchers, instructors, outreach specialists, industry leaders and graduate students. Its mission is to catalyze and facilitate systemwide, interdisciplinary activities to transform environmental research, education and outreach at WSU, in the Pacific Northwest, nationally and globally.

CEREO places particular emphasis upon the integrative study of natural and managed ecosystems and the social and human dimensions of environmental change.

With a focus on integrated environmental themes, CEREO has spearheaded interdisciplinary initiatives that are providing important data and solutions to complex issues. The new director will seek opportunities to address the far-reaching objectives of the organization to advance understanding of the biophysical and social processes underlying environmental change and resilience.



Robert Strenge, WSU News, 509-335-3583,