Undergraduate researchers win 51 awards at SURCA

SURCA award winners
By Beverly Makhani, Undergraduate Education

PULLMAN, Wash. – Fifty-seven undergraduates won 51 awards for their research presentations at Washington State University’s annual Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) on March 27. Nearly 225 students participated in eight categories.

“Every SURCA student participant learned something new through their research as well as contributed knowledge to their field,” said Mary F. Wack, vice provost for undergraduate education. “We are proud that SURCA goes a great distance every year to advance research and help WSU deliver transformational educational experiences to undergraduates.”

“Thanks to support from generous sponsors, the amount presented to the award recipients at SURCA 2017 came to $10,700,” said Shelley Pressley, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, event host and a unit of WSU Undergraduate Education.

Mary Sanchez Lanier, assistant vice provost, described SURCA as the only WSU-wide venue to offer all undergraduates in all majors from all campuses the opportunity to share their mentored research and results.

See the list of winners, faculty mentors and sponsors at https://surca.wsu.edu/2017/04/03/surca-2017-winners/.