April 2: Talk on speaking and writing a foreign language

HubertPULLMAN, Wash. – Research about better integrating speaking and writing when teaching a foreign language will be presented by Washington State University Humanities Fellow Michael Hubert at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 2, in the Honors Hall Lounge as part of the inaugural Humanities Fellow Lecture Series.

He will report on a longitudinal research study tracking development of speaking and writing proficiencies in Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish students over several years. Methods that guide the study will be explained, and pilot data will be presented.

Hubert earned his Ph.D. in Spanish applied linguistics at Purdue University, his M.A. in romance literatures at WSU and his B.A. in education and Spanish at Eastern Washington University. He joined the WSU faculty in 2008.

The free, public presentation is hosted by the WSU Humanities Planning Group with support from the College of Arts and Sciences. Faculty in the planning group are working to form a Center for the Humanities. See http://hub.wsu.edu/hpg/.

The first Humanities fellows, those for 2014-15, include Hubert and Donna Potts and Susan Dente Ross, professors of English.