Cheese can design changes; product remains ‘gold’

New design Old design


PULLMAN – Frequent shoppers at the WSU Creamery, or those ordering from the creamery’s website, might notice the cheese can designs have changed. But, there’s no need to panic. The product inside is still being made to its traditional WSU “gold” standard.

The difference in design is subtle, so many might miss it unless the old and new were sitting side by side.
“We worked with WSU Marketing and Creative Services back in early 2008 on new can designs,” said Russ Salvadalena, WSU Creamery manager. Designer Doug Garcia, now at Colorado State University, did the work.
Salvadalena said there were a couple of reasons for the new design:
  • The Cougar head logo with the old design was for Washington State College. “We received permission from the university to use the WSU logo without having to pay royalties. So we updated from the old WSC logo to the current WSU logo,” he said.
  • The creamery also wanted to update the design “look” by “cleaning up the text, better identifying the types of cheese, and updating the nutritional info,” he said. “However, we wanted to maintain the basic ‘striped can’ design and colors so that our long-time customers wouldn’t be confused by the changes.”
Even though the design work took place in 2008, it “takes a while to get the new cans produced, and for about 85 percent of our cheese, it takes at least another 12 months to age the cheese before selling,” Salvadalena said. “So, the new can designs for Cougar Gold and the cheddars were a long time coming. However, the Viking cheeses didn’t need to age as long, so the blue can design has been offered for sale for almost a year.”
“I thought that we might hear protests from our long-time customers,”  he said, “But so far, I don’t think I have heard any complaints about the new design.”