Addicted to your cell phone?

Learn the warning signs, along with healthy ways of using technology for connection, self-expression, and recreation during a presentation by Dr. Loren Brown at 5 p.m. Monday at CUE 203.

Interactive technology is a useful and integrated part of modern life, yet a growing number of people say it’s causing them problems.

As a society we are spending more and more time looking at screens, whether it’s social media or video games, on smart phones or tablets, or even measuring steps, heart rate, and sleep using a fitness tracker.

Some people describe their use of these technologies as excessive, obsessive, or even call it an addiction.

Brown, a psychologist with Counseling and Psychological Services, calls her presentation: “‘Am I Addicted to My Phone?’: Healthy Ways to Use Technology Without Getting Hooked.”

The event is part of this year’s Common Reading program.