WSU Spokane announces Jensen Byrd developer opportunity

Jensen-ByrdSPOKANE, Wash. – Washington State University has released a “request for developer qualifications” for lease of the Jensen Byrd building and nearby property on the WSU Health Sciences Spokane campus.

“We look forward to proposals that acknowledge the historic nature of the Jensen Byrd building, are compatible with the mission of a health sciences campus and will add to the revitalization and prosperity of downtown Spokane and the University District,” said Chancellor Lisa Brown.

The deadline for submitting a statement of qualifications is Nov. 16. Find more information at

The property is located east of Pine Street between Main Avenue and East Spokane Falls Boulevard and consists of three parcels totaling approximately 4.1 acres.

Situated on the southwest end of the campus, adjacent to the city core, the land is designated in the campus master plan for potential mixed use development with the long-term future goal of satisfying campus facility needs.

With plans to create the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine medical school and construct the Spokane Teaching Health Clinic on the southeast end of campus, WSU Spokane continues to expand.

“Development of the Jensen Byrd building, along with construction of the clinic, will create attractive bookends for both downtown and the University District and will allow for our campus to grow while serving the needs of our students,” Brown said.


Terren Roloff, WSU Spokane communications director, 509-358-7527,