March 3-7: WSU women invited to share stories, photos

sample-hand-80PULLMAN, Wash. – Women at Washington State University are invited to share their stories 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, March 3-7, at a table on the CUB first floor in celebration of International Women’s Day March 8.

SampleHand-450After the stories are written at the table, they will be photographed in the author’s hands. The photos will be displayed around campus.

The activity is hosted by the International Women’s Day Committee at WSU.

Online students (CyberCougs) and women at regional campuses can write out their stories, photograph them in their hands and email the photo to

sample-hand-200CyberCougs can also participate in person during the Tacoma Rendezvous event 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 8. This will be hosted by the WSU Center for Civic Engagement and University Recreation.

Learn more about International Women’s Day at WSU at