Fall 2011 NSF Webinar Program Workshop Series, starts Oct. 20th

Faculty need a competitive edge in writing proposals for educational research and development projects such as those supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM (TUES) Program {formerly the Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program} or for research projects with significant educational components (e.g., the BRIGE and CAREER programs)?
The first scheduled NSF workshop is DUE Funding Decision Processes (FDP) at NSF.
The next scheduled workshop is a continuation of the successive series of Proposal Writing Strategies and Reviewers Feedback (PWS) presented to over 1200 engineering faculty members at more than 150 different institutions during the past 3 years.
Project Evaluation (PE) will be the sole focus of the third workshop.
The final workshop session, Making an Impact: Building Transportable Projects (MI) will provide strategies for strengthening project components that address the Broader Impacts criterion and address the critical expectations of the TUES Program. If you are at a regional campus or extension please contact Pam Kelley pjkelley@wsu.edu to work out details. Registration Link: http://www.ogrd.wsu.edu/workshops.asp#314