Experimenting with ultracold gases focus of lecture

PULLMAN, Wash. — Experimenting with ultracold gases will be the focus of the S. Town Stephenson Distinguished Lecture to be presented 5:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31, in Webster Physical Sciences Building, Room 16.
The guest speaker will be Deborah Jin, a NIST Fellow and an Adjoint Professor of Physics at the University of Colorado. The lecture is open to the public.
Jin is a nationally recognized expert in experimenting with ultracold gases, as well as how Bose-Einstein condensates affect quantum mechanics, superconductivity, and how atoms behave when cooled to near absolute zero.
She leads the Jin Group at that is part of Colorado University’s JILA Center for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The group’s current research topics include:
  • Ultracold Fermi Gases
  • Ultracold Polar Molecules
  • Bose-Fermi Interactions
  • Strongly Interacting BECs
Jin holds A.B. degree in physics, Magna Cum Laude, from Princeton University,  and a Ph.D in physics from the University of Chicago. Among many other honors, she was awarded the 2010 Tufts, Kathryn A. McCarthy Lectureship in Physics.
Click the following link for a list of her publications and vita
The lecture is presented with support from ADVANCE at WSU, the Stephenson Lectureship fund, and WSU’s department of physics and astronomy.
For more information on the lecture click here.